Internal Family Systems Introductory Workshop in American Sign Language

Teal rectangle banner with the text IFS Intro to American Sign Language headshot of Jory Agate June 19


Jory Agate, LMHC, MDiv., MA, IFS Certified




Join us for this 1-day Virtual IFS Workshop in American Sign Language | June 19, 2023 |10:00AM-5:00PM, EST

Introduction to Internal Family Systems in American Sign Language 

"Self is in everyone...It can't be damaged...It knows how to heal"

Internal Family Systems (IFS) is an evidence-based model of psychotherapy that is used to help individuals heal their inner Parts.  When individuals are in a state of Self (having the ability to be more open, exuding confidence, being more compassionate), they are able to deepen their understanding of how this model can be applied to their daily lives.  

Jory Agate will take participants on a journey to discover the qualities of Self and how these qualities are used for healing our Parts; at the end of the journey, participants will be able to identify the 7 steps of healing used in Internal Family Systems.  Participants will also learn techniques used to broaden treatment interventions as well as those used to work with clients' protective systems via real-world applications.

IFS Institute welcomes you on this exciting journey!



$150.00 USD

Registration includes a 1-day, 7-hour, Virtual workshop.  Time will be allotted for two 15-minute breaks as well as a 30-minute lunch break.  At this time, Continuing Education credits will not be provided for this workshop. 


To view the brochure, please click HERE

To register for this workshop, please click HERE.  Registration must be completed before June 12, 2023.