Resources in Times of War

IFS News
Image of Ukrainian flag with text that reads resources in Times of war


As the Russian-Ukrainian war continues, we are reaching out to let you know that the IFS Institute and the Foundation for Self Leadership, along with the rest of the IFS community, stand firmly with you, the people of Ukraine. We extend our support and love to the Ukrainians who face attacks, uncertainty, and the sudden loss of homes and loved ones. What we have been observing violates our core values of humanity, harmony, and love.

We would like to share with all of you some resources that may help provide support - and for some, a greater understanding of the roots of the war with an IFS lens. 

Cultural Burdens of Several Countries in Eastern Europe (Ukraine, Poland, Russia): Irina Diyankova, Iryna Natalushko and Eliza Mikucka shared the history and impact of communism, totalitarism, oppression, genocide, and war in Ukraine, Poland, and Russia. They spoke with courage and bravery, and we were honored to learn from them. We share this workshop with the larger IFS community to bring greater attention to the cultural burdens and trauma these countries have held. In the midst of the Russian-Ukrainian war, the greater community can learn from the experiences shared by these presenters.

Q & A Webinar: Cultural Burdens of Several Countries in Several Countries in Eastern Europe. Irina, Iryna and Eliza from our conference presentation above, offered a Q&A session to answer questions on their conference presentation above and provide additional information based on recent events of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

IFS and the Middle East, Healing Wounds and Becoming Whole: A panel discussion from our colleagues; Ann-Katrin Bockmann, Chady Rahmé, Ben Rivers, Hoda Refaat Mahfouz and Tom Holmes who are working to bring IFS to the Arabic speaking Middle East region where citizens, refugees, and the people who are helping them have experienced recurring stress and trauma from the long-lasting turmoil. 

Using the Model to Navigate Immigration Challenges: A webinar from Rosa Bramble Caballero, a member of our community and IFSI’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee whose focus is offering an understanding of how the IFS Model provides both the language and resources to immigrants and asylum seekers, supporting and healing immigration trauma.


Providing Trauma-Informed Support in Times of War

The Foundation is exploring the idea of recruiting, organizing, and mobilizing a group of volunteer IFS therapists to provide emotional support to individuals currently impacted by war, starting with Ukrainians in Europe and eventually in the US, and reaching others from various parts of the world. Those interested in joining this effort, please contact [email protected].

To support the project:

- choose a Fund for Self Leadership;

- write "Ukraine" in the Comments;

- complete the submission process.


To all, we extend our support to members of the IFS community in the midst of the Russian-Ukrainian war. We invite those of you willing to provide whatever support you can for the people of Ukraine. In challenging times like these, there is power in togetherness and connection to Self. If you would like to connect with colleagues in Ukraine directly, please contact [email protected]


We hope that the resources and emerging projects above provide you with tools to support you and your loved ones.


With our support and love,

IFS Institute and the Foundation for Self Leadership.