Code of Conduct 

Code of Conduct for Events and Activities Organized by IFS Institute, Inc.


Members of IFS Institute’s events and activities: Anyone who participates in, observes, teaches, or otherwise is present at an IFSI-organized training program, conference, webinar, teleconference, workshop, on-line community, or other function.

IFS Institute requires that Members of its events and activities create and maintain an appropriate and harassment-free learning environment for themselves and others. While all parts are welcome, all behavior is not.

Behaviors that are not aligned with our Code of Conduct include:

·    Aggressive or hostile verbal comments and/or behavior
·    Displaying or allowing to be displayed sexual images in public spaces
·    Intimidation or stalking
·    Unwanted or uninvited photography or recording
·    Sustained or frequent disruption of training program exercises and activities
·    Inappropriate physical contact
·    Unwelcome sexual attention
·    Overt disregard for the impact of one's words or actions on historically marginalized group members
·    Inability to work effectively in a group setting, including a lack of willingness to work toward repair with other participants, even with the support of training program staff
·    Inability to unblend from aggressive, hostile, controlling, or otherwise significantly disruptive parts, even with facilitation
·    Advocating for or encouraging any of the above behavior

IFSI reserves the right to pursue appropriate legal remedies and/or removal from IFS Institute events for any failure to abide by this Code of Conduct.

Confidentiality: While IFS training programs are not psychotherapy sessions, all training program components, including those that are experiential in nature, are for the purpose of teaching people to use the IFS model. Therefore, the interactions and information shared by Members are not privileged communications as they might be during actual therapy sessions.

However, in order to create and maintain an appropriate learning environment, all personal material that Members of the training program disclose should be treated as confidential and should not be shared with persons who are not Members of this particular training program, including family members, friends, colleagues, participants, and Members of other training programs. 

In addition, we ask that you respect the confidentiality of the people with whom you are practicing and in your home groups, and not discuss other’s work or experiences outside of these small groups (which includes not talking about their work in this training program’s large group), unless you have their permission.

Confidential information may need to be disclosed if holding the information would (1) compromise anyone’s safety, health, or well-being, or (2) violate your ethical or legal responsibilities.  Professional and licensing organizations, as well as states, provinces, and other governmental jurisdictions, may have specific and different policies regarding confidentiality for counselors, therapists, and other professionals. Training program Members are responsible for knowing their particular and applicable governing policies, and for adhering to their professional standards for confidentiality.

Online Community Purpose: Our online community platforms, including but not limited to Facebook Groups, provide forums for shared experiences using the IFS model.  In addition to the Code of Conduct, we have the following participation guidelines:

Promotional posts: We will provide prompts to allow you to comment with any offers, products, or services you have available to the community. Please refrain from individual posts advertising for personal gain.

Clinical consultation: No one may post information that could potentially breach client confidentiality.

Medical disclaimer: Online communities are not substitutes for clinical diagnosis or treatment, nor is the information provided intended to replace consultation with a qualified health-care provider. If you’re in crisis, please contact your local emergency services.

Please note the opinions and content on community group pages do not represent IFS Institute, nor do they necessarily represent the IFS model. If you have any questions about online community issues, please contact [email protected]